- ul. Przelotowa 33, 43-190 Mikołów
for industry
made of plastics
for industry
For you, we create new value and change for the better
Our highest priority is that our customers and business partners are properly served at all stages of cooperation
The right products, in the right place, at the right time
Zero tolerance! Quality control is an important element of each SPYRA PRIME product and process and is constantly improving.
A well-designed prototype combined with modern machinery in the hands of experts ensures that the finished product is of the highest, repeatable quality
We can provide valuable plastic solutions and are always happy to talk to you about the different possibilities
We are specialists in the use of the most advanced pipe extrusion processes
We use our skills to meet your needs
Who are we?
AboutWe are specialists in the use of the most advanced pipe extrusion processes, and with modern machinery we can guarantee that the finished product is of the highest, repeatable quality.
Know-how in the selection, design, construction and optimization of products, cooperation with scientific and research institutions and universities bring benefits to all parties of cooperation.